Saturday, July 23, 2011

Bob Laidlaw...

Bob Laidlaw
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       The first 2 years I have been at Hofmeister I was a sales associate and customer service representative.  I worked closely with the current designer.  Patiently awaiting for my opportunity that would change my life!  Finally, that opportunity surfaced.  There was no hesitation.  Carter asked if I thought I could do it and that he saw so much potential in me.  I was nervous but ready for the challenge.  The next thing I knew Bob Laidlaw started right in with teaching me how to render beautiful custom pieces in a way I never thought I could.  I didn't realize the potential of talent that I had.  And I think I really surprised a lot of people as well. 

Critiquing me to the smallest detail
     Bob Laidlaw is one of the greatest designers in the Nation.  He worked at Hofmeister since the years of the Glendale store until about 2002. He traveled all over the states selling his designs and won first place in many designer shows.  It is such a privilege to be studying under him.  I will say he is tough.  He doesn't let me get away with anything less than perfection.  Knit picking to the smallest detail.  How would I get better if he didn't do that?    His biggest thing for me now is expanding my mind of design and making me faster at drawing.  I am a perfectionist so when I draw it does take me a little bit longer than he would like.  But i'm getting faster everyday.   There is a rhymn and reason to render drawing.  It has to be very exact with measurements of the stones and finger size and just actual size of the piece.  If it is exact then the shop will be able to create EXACTLY what you drew.  There will be no guessing or being unsure with a customer because you know it will be exactly what you draw.  If they love the drawing they will be even more in love when the piece comes alive!  With him critiquing my drawing skills he is also always critiquing my salesmanship skills and presentations.  Not only do I have to draw for a customer, I have to make it entertaining and exciting to be creating a one of a kind piece of jewelry for them.  Otherwise whats the fun in it!!  After working with him for many months I was finally promoted to the Custom Designer of Homfeister Personal Jewelers.  It is exactly what I dreamed of doing and I'm so excited to be apart of the special moments in people's lives that they will remember forever. 

Thursday, July 21, 2011

My First Test Flight as Designer...

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        As soon as I graduated college I got a job at Jared the Galleria of Jewelry.  The location in Indianapolis had just opened up and as much as I was new to the Fine Jewelry world, so was Jared to Indianapolis.  It was rough at first competing with Hofmeister Personal Jewelers and Reis Nichols.  They had been apart of the community for over 30 years.  Hofmeister was known as the store that created the most beautiful one of a kind custom pieces.  And Reis was known for carrying high end fashion brands.   After learning a lot about the high end jewelry world,  I started testing my wings as a designer.  I had made a few doodles here and there, that were sent off to be CAD designed and I felt like I wasn't getting the experience that I wanted.  Being a custom designer you should feel apart of the process.  Sit down with the customer, talk about what they are wanting and the history of the stones they brought in, and what the special event in their life is.  I did have one opportunity to work with a customer on this level.

First Design at Jared the Galleria of Jewelry
A man came in the store saying he was soon to be celebrating his 10 year anniversary.  They both loved collecting stones from the countries they had visited over the years.  He had brought in emeralds, tanzanites, and white sapphires.  He had an idea for a pendant that I elaborated on and this was the design that was to become the memorable 10 year anniversary gift she will remember for the rest of her life.  It was a great experience that I will always remember.  He came in often to check on the process and take pictures of the whole thing.  We became friends.  It's such an amazing feeling knowing that you are going to be a huge part in the most special moments in people's lives.  He gave her the pendant on their anniversary and she came into the store to thank me for helping her husband create the most memorable pendant she had ever received.  This was such a rush, I loved it!!  I wanted more, I wanted to be that hero in people's lives.  One day, I walked into Hofmeister to look around and ended up being there for over 2 hours.  I was hooked.  I had talked with the manager and the custom designer at the time there and it was fascinating to hear the stories of their custom pieces.   It's exactly where I wanted to be and thats where I finally ended up in September of 2008.  My life at that moment was about to change forever.

It all started in Junior High...

My First Design     
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      I get my artistic talents from my mom.  She is extremely talented.  She always loved to help me on my art projects, & helped me come up with the most beautiful poster boards for speeches, etc.  Her creativity just flowed so freely out of her.  Even as a young girl I have always explored the world of art.  My mom always found me with these messes all over the kitchen or in my room, but amongst all the mess I sat up with what I considered my finest masterpiece!  I loved to draw, and paint, and create objects.  In Junior high I won the Silver Key for a drawing I did.  My teachers started paying extra attention to me, and always told the class, “watch how Sarah is doing it.”  After a while I started telling myself, maybe I really am talented.  I at that moment decided that I would pursue something in the arts.
         When I got to high school I discovered a class called Jewelry Design.  Mrs. Davis, who studied at Ball State in Jewelry Design and Metal-smithing started this amazing class.  I had never heard of such a class so I decided I really wanted to take it as an elective.  I FELL IN LOVE!  I loved trying to come up with the most outrageous designs.  I had a blast sawing out the metal pieces for fabrication.  I became the best solderer in the class.  I could cast like it was my job.  I created little boxes, pendants, rings, pins.  It was my favorite time of the school day.  It was almost like I was escaping to a different world of creation and fantasy.  The sky was the limit.
        Senior year came and I was trying to figure out where I should go to college.  I packed up all my designs and pieces and traveled to Bloomington.  There at the Indiana University Fine Arts Building I met with the head director of the Jewelry Design and Metal-smithing department.  She loved my designs so much that she became my sponsor.  I was set.  I was heading to Indiana University in the fall and I couldn’t have been happier.  Over the next four years I lived at the Art building, pulling all nighters for impossible projects that I just knew I could create.  A lot of my jewelry pieces are still at the art building on display.  I had a number of them entered into contests etc.  I had the most amazing time earning my degree of Bachelors of Art Major in Studio Art.  and this is where my journey to become the Designer of Sarah Ellen designs begins.